Thursday, 8 March 2012

The First One

Hello world!

My name is Christine and yes, I've finally made a blog!

People have been telling me for awhile now that I should blog. I'm not totally sure why...but I've finally decided to try it. If you know me personally, you know that I do love to talk and that I'm just a little bit expressive ;) So I figure this might be the perfect way to talk about everything I love and what is going on my life...and people can choose to listen or not! A heads up, I don't have the best grammar because I definitely write just like I talk, so bare with me! And as you can already see...I really enjoy the dot, dot, dots!

A little bit about myself: I'm still UNDER 30...but not for that much longer! (Ok, I still have a year and a half, but I feel I need to really mentally prepare myself for this traumatizing event!) I am married to such an incredible man named Chris. Everyday is an adventure with him and I'm just so blessed that I get to journey this life with him! Together, we've created two of the most amazing little children: Leah & Gabriel! They are only 16 months apart and so life is very full, loud and tiring most days...but I wouldn't have it any other way! I am Canadian and very proud of it! We currently live in the great white north where a normal winter day is anywhere from -10 to -40! Brr! The hubs works at a church running the student ministries program (and is doing an amazing job!). I also work at the same church as the worship arts pastor but currently I am on maternity leave and therefore my job status right now is stay-at-home mommy and I'm not complaining :)

I, along with the other hundreds of thousands of people, am addicted to Pinterest. I've always wanted to read blogs and various how-to's online, but I honestly never knew where to start. When one of my close friend invited me to join Pinterest, I honestly had no idea what I was about to get myself into! Since October of last year, I've been HOOKED! OBSESSED! ADDICTED! I honestly don't think there is a day that goes by where I don't talk, think or recreate something I've seen on Pinterest. I just loving finding amazing pins and then clicking through to the various blogs and ultimately, learning new things everyday. I'm known to be a bit of an exaggerator when I talk about most things in life, however, when I say that Pinterest has changed my life...that is no word of a lie! It's not only changed my life, but my families life. For instance, my hubby used to be the main cook in our home. I honestly NEVER cooked nor had any desire to even learn. But something happened when I started pinning recipes...I became inspired! I saw other friends...other moms pinning these great recipes and all of a sudden I felt like I had support! I felt like...if she can make this, so can I! I was so challenged (in a positive way) to try all of these great new finds! And I'm proud to say that I've now become the main chef at home! I'll even go a step further and confidently say my cooking isn't that bad...and it's thanks to the many other amazing bloggers out there that gave me the confidence to cook (sorry for the cheesefest, but it's the truth!)

So, with that said...I decided that I would start sharing with the world things I've tried or done, both successfully and not so much. If someone gains any kind of inspiration from it...that's awesome! And if it's just an outlet for me to rant and "think" I'm sharing with others, well, that's ok too! I used to run my own wedding planning company called Pure Potential Weddings (I'll throw a few wedding blogs up from time to time!). I loved everything about weddings and event planning and so this blog title is a play on my beloved & successful business that I was so blessed to have for a period of time!

So I invite you to join me as I share my journey through this life, trying to get the most out of every opportunity while creating pretty and tasty things that just make life a little more lovely...and all the other musings in between :)

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